Wed, Apr 05, 23.

Points from John 3.

  1. The birth Jesus speaks about is the birth of/by the Spirit [Joh 3:3-9].
  2. In the words of Jesus to Nicodemus, there is no difference between seeing the kingdom and entering into it [Joh 3:3-8].
  3. Being born of the Spirit is the same thing as being born again.
    1. We know this because in explaining to Nicodemus what it means to be born again – using the analogy of the wind, He concludes His explanation by saying “so it is with everyone born of the Spirit” [Joh 3:7-8]
  4. The “we” to whom Jesus refers who speak of what they know and what they have seen are the prophets [Joh 3:11].
  5. The atonement requires Jesus’ death and His access to heaven (for intercession)
  6. The reason why people do not like Jesus is because they want to keep doing evil [Joh 3:19-21].
  7. What really causes condemnation is evil deeds, not that they did not come to the light [Joh 3:19-21].
  8. What causes condemnation is not that people did not come to Jesus, but because their deeds are evil [Joh 3:19-21].
  9. In the book of John, we do not really find the message of “repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand” as we do in the other gospels, however, it is present as seen in Jesus’ words to Nicodemus that men run away from the light because their deeds are evil. He was basically saying to leave evil deeds and come to the light [Joh 3:19-22].
  10. John the Baptist’s birth was supernatural, but he referred to himself and other prophets as earthly, but he spoke of Jesus as one who came from above [Joh 3:31].
  11. Jesus has the Spirit without measure, but He is dependent on the Spirit. God, however, does not need the Spirit. Even the Spirit has to search the mind of God to know His deep things. In the same way, the Spirit also draws power from the Father and gives to Jesus and His messengers. Jesus depends on the Spirit, but God does not. [Joh 3:34; 1Co 2:10-11].